LS/CMI™ collection profile image


Level of Service/Case Management Inventory™

D.A. Andrews, Ph.D. , James Bonta, Ph.D., J. Stephen Wormith, Ph.D.
Combines risk assessment and case management in one convenient evidence-based system.


Product type
LS/CMI QuikScore Forms - Handscored
$154.00 CAD
LS/CMI Training Kit with Manual includes LS/CMI singles Forms - Handscored
$181.00 CAD
LS/CMI Interview Guides
$240.00 CAD
LS/CMI User's Manual
$200.00 CAD
LS/CMI ColorPlot Profile Forms
$68.00 CAD
Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) Use
$15.00 CAD
LS/CMI Scoring Guide
$80.00 CAD
LS/CMI Case Management Protocols
$75.00 CAD
LS/CMI Offender History Forms
$45.00 CAD
LS/CMI Program Targets & Intervention Guide
$45.00 CAD
LS/CMI Progress Records
$45.00 CAD
Product Details

The Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) is a fully functioning case management tool and an assessment that measures the risk and need factors of late adolescent and adult justice-involved individuals. This single application provides all the essential tools needed to aid professionals in treatment planning for and management of justice-involved individuals in justice, forensic, correctional, prevention, and related agencies.

Developed to reflect the increasing knowledge base on justice-involved individual risk assessment since the Level of Service Inventory–Revised (LSI-R ), LS/CMI has refined and combined the 54 LSI-R items into 43 items in Section 1. Ten additional comprehensive sections have been incorporated to further assist public safety professionals in their analysis of justice-involved individual management.


  • 16 and older

Administration Type

  • Professional
  • Interview

Administration Time

  • 20 to 30 Minutes per form
  • Interview varies

Number of Items

  • Section 1: 43
  • Section 2-11: Varies

Qualification Level

  • B


  • Online (Administration & Scoring)
  • Handscored
  • Software (Administration & Scoring)
  • Combines risk assessment and case management in one convenient evidence-based system
  • Provides all the essential tools needed to aid professionals in treatment planning for and management of offenders in justice, forensic, correctional, prevention, and related agencies
  • Assesses the rehabilitation needs of offenders, their risk of recidivism, and the most relevant factors related to supervision and programming requirements
  • Focuses on offender strengths and is gender-informed

Profile Reports summarize the results of an individual administration, providing scores for all scales.

Comparative Reports show progress over time, comparing up to four assessments for the same justice-involved individual. They are free with the purchase of Profile Reports.

Case Management Reports provide an administrative summary of the criminogenic and noncriminogenic needs of the justice-involved individual. They also list special responsivity considerations and include a discharge summary where applicable. This summary describes the off ender’s treatment progress status at the time of discharge, and recommendations for the future. They are free with the purchase of Profile Reports.

Follow-Up Reports are used to document major events for the justice-involved individual such as reoffending or successful completion of treatment/supervision.


LS/CMI justice-involved individual History Form

The justice-involved individual History Form records assessment rationale and justice-involved individual history information for a given LS/CMI assessment. The form is comprised of two parts: Reason for Assessment and General Criminal History and Offense Information.

LS/CMI QuikScore Form

The LS/CMI QuikScore form is professionally-completed and consists of eight sections.

LS/CMI Program Targets and Intervention Plan Form

The LS/CMI Program Targets and Intervention Plan Form assists with the documentation of targeted risk areas and the corresponding treatment/intervention.

LS/CMI Progress Record Form

The LS/CMI Progress Record Form assists in the documentation of the justice-involved individual’s progress.

LS/CMI Interview Guide

The LS/CMI Interview Guide consists of questions necessary to obtain scores for the LS/CMI.

LS/CMI Case Management Protocol Form

The LS/CMI Case Management Protocol Form consists of three sections: the Case Management Plan, the Progress Record, and the Discharge Summary. The form is essential to the development of the case management.

LS/CMI ColorPlot Profile for Male justice-involved individuals Form

The LS/CMI ColorPlot Profile for Male justice-involved individuals Form is used to convert raw scores obtained from the QuikScore into T-scores.

How To Use

The LS/CMI consists of 11 sections. The Level of Service Assessment (Section 1) can be used on its own with Level of Service Risk Assessment Interview Guides and QuikScore Forms. If you wish to use the full LS/CMI administration materials, include the LS/CMI Interview Guide, an justice-involved individual History Form, a QuikScore Form for recording responses, a Case Management Program, and a ColorPlot Profile Form. With the software format, all of these components are included in the program and you can instantly generate Profile Reports, Comparative Reports, and Case Management Reports.

Reliability and Validity

Extensive scientific validation studies have been conducted on the LS/CMI's reliability and validity. Internal consistency as measured by Cronbach's alpha is high and has been very stable across multiple samples and populations. Research has also disclosed that the validity of the LS/CMI is strong and consistent.

Normative Data

The normative sample for the LS/CMI consists of 157,947 North American youth and adult justice-involved individuals—60,156 American adults and youth justice-involved individuals from 10 jurisdictions, and 97,791 Canadian community and institutionalized adult and youth justice-involved individuals.

To administer the LS/CMI training is required for those who do not have the requisite b-level educational qualifications. Training is also recommended for those who need in-depth knowledge of the LS/CMI and its use and interpretation. By attending our LS/CMI User Training, you will learn necessary skills for interviewing an justice-involved individual, accurately scoring an LS/CMI assessment, as well as enhancing the quality of case management, treatment planning, and service delivery.

Individuals interested in becoming an LS/CMI Trainer or Master Trainer should complete an LS/CMI Trainer Training session. For further details on becoming an MHS LS/CMI User, Trainer, or Master Trainer, please contact MHS’ Customer Service team.

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