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Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version

Stephen D. Hart, Ph.D. , David N. Cox, Ph.D. , Robert D. Hare, Ph.D.
An effective screener for Psychopathic Personality Disorders that can be used with general, forensic, or psychiatric populations


Product type
Hare PCL:SV Forms - Handscored
$173.00 CAD
PCL:SV Manual
$147.00 CAD
Hare PCL:SV Interview Guides
$153.00 CAD
Hare PCL:SV Interview Guide/Forms - Handscored
$308.00 CAD
Product Details

The Hare PCL:SV is an abbreviated version of the original Hare PCL-R™ that takes approximately half the amount of time to administer.

  • Highly correlated with the Hare PCL-R, making it an effective screening instrument for Psychopathic Personality Disorder
  • Can be used with individuals from the general population, as well as individuals from forensic or psychiatric populations
  • Cost-effective way to determine whether or not a complete Hare PCL-R assessment is necessary


  • 18 and Older

Administration Type

  • Professional
  • Interview

Administration Time

  • Interview: 45 Minutes
  • Collateral Review: 35 Minutes

Qualification Level

  • C


  • Handscored
Key Areas Measured
  • Interpersonal/Affective
  • Social Deviance
  • Impulsive Lifestyle
  • Antisocial Behavior

Hare PCL:SV Interview Guide

The Hare PCL:SV Interview Guide contains a series of questions that directly link to the areas that need to be assessed to complete the PCL:SV QuikScore™ Form


Hare PCL:SV QuikScore™ Form

The clinician-completed QuikScore™ is a self-scoring form that is used to administer the Hare PCL:SV.

Reliability and Validity


The Hare PCL:SV has good reliability and validity. The Hare PCL:SV reliability studies include the evaluation of internal consistency, item homogeneity, and inter-rater reliability.



The validity of Hare PCL:SV has been tested for its concurrent validity with the Hare PCL-R and Antisocial Personality Disorder, convergent validity, and discriminant validity.

Normative Data

The normative sample for the Hare PCL:SV consists of 586 individuals, including male and female justice-involved individuals, university students, and civil and forensic psychiatric patients.

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